USER MANUAL In this blog you will find all the short stories that make up the books detailed below this presentation. They can also be purchased on Amazon, either each book separately or all gathered in a single volume entitled "SILLY HUMOR FOR SMART PEOPLE". (The benefits also go to UNICEF.) For many years I've made a living on television taking advantage of my absurdist sense of humor. Like the books themselves, the intention of this blog is to continue making use of it with a philanthropic purpose. But it's free. Only at the end of each post I include a link to UNICEF just in case someone wants to contribute to help children in need in exchange for my stories. Imagine that one of those children asks for a little help but he/she cannot offer anything in return. Well, I offer you these stories in his/her name. At the end of each post there is a label with the title (in capital letters) of the book to which it belongs. Click on it and you will acc...